Time to Celebrate!
A quick search on NationalToday.com will reveal that today is International Yoga Day, National Selfie Day, World Day of Music, Andean New Year, Go Skateboarding Day, National Arizona Day, National Cookie Dough Day, and much more. We're always looking for reasons to celebrate to lift our spirits out of the humdrum and often difficult circumstances that life can bring.
It's fun to celebrate different cultures as well as frivolous indulgences, but no celebration lifts me higher than when I'm reminded to count my blessings or share victories with those whom I call friend; this past weekend I was able to celebrate both.
I ran into Windy after a few weeks of not seeing her around and she was enjoying the community by people watching after her meal. I commented on how much I loved her shirt full of smiley faces and she remarked that she was in awe by the note that was left in the bag of toiletry supplies she picked up at our table donated by a family group in The Charlotte Church. The note simply read "Smile Today." She marveled that the note matched her shirt perfectly; this was a great reminder to me that the smallest "coincidence" (I know God encourages me in these ways) can provide reason to celebrate that I've been given another day to enjoy the simple fact of being alive. I think Windy's smile says it all (see picture above).
Some celebrations don't come by way of simple truths, but as a result of flat out hard work. One of my favorite people, Treiva, surprised all of us on Sunday when she announced that she graduated from the Mom's Moving Forward program at the Freedom Communities organization! This has been a year-long intensive journey for her which involved lots of soul searching, support network building, and life skills learning - all while raising her kids from elementary school aged to high school and working full time. She cried as she thanked us for referring her to the program and we were all reminded that we all "get by with a little help from our friends." Congrats Treiva, we're so proud of you! She has even referred another neighbor from the SCM who is eager to turn her life around (stay tuned for more on that). Thank you Erika and the MMF staff for the labor of love in support of Treiva.
As if all this wasn't enough, two more of my favorite people: Kaitlin and Trisha, were baptized and became our sisters in Christ! Both had to overcome many internal battles and surrender them to Jesus and I'm looking forward to seeing the Spirit move through both to impact a whole segment of our community that others like myself would have trouble reaching. Congrats and thank you so much for letting me be a part of your journeys!
As always we thank our most loyal partner: Hope Vibes for providing hope through hot showers, free laundry, and dancing while folding clothes!
The SCM doesn't happen without your support - if your group would like to host a weekend or if you know of a business owner who might like to join us to meet their neighbors, contact us and we'll get back to you ASAP.
Feeling left out? Don't! Join us at the Street Corner Ministry on July 1st - see you there!